PGSS participates in all social Development programmes right from planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation, and follow the policy of ‘people first’ in all stages. We strongly believe, Empowerment of the excluded is a reality not a dream.
Social inclusion is understood as a process by which efforts are made to ensure equal opportunities for all, regardless of their background, so that they can achieve their full potential in life. It is a multi-dimensional process aimed at creating conditions which enable full and active participation of every member of the society in all aspects of life, including civic, social, economic, and political activities, as well as participation in decision-making processes. The challenge for PGSS is to how to make the concept of social integration and inclusion operational - to be used as a practical tool to promote an inspirational yet realistic set of policy measures geared towards a “society for all.” This requires a paradigm shift so as to recognize the dignity, value and importance of each person, not only as an ethical norm and moral imperative, but also as a legal principle, a societal goal, and ultimately, practice. “No human being should be condemned to endure a brief or miserable life as a result of his or her class, country, religious affiliation, ethnic background or gender”. To this end, social inclusion, as an overarching goal as well as a multi-dimensional process can play a critical role in promoting sustainable human development.
PGSS achievement in Towards Inclusive Society so far...Purvanchal Gramin Seva Samiti,
Fatima Nagar, Padribazar, Gorakhpur,
Uttar Pradesh - 273154, India.
+91 8840720543
© - 2023, Purvanchal Gramin Seva Samiti,
a Unit of Social Service Society, a non-profit organization registered under Uttar Pradesh Societies Registration Act 27 of 1975 S. No. 329/1999.
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