Purvanchal Gramin Seva Samiti (PGSS) is a non-profit making, charitable voluntary organization registered under Societies Registration Act, 1860. The organization is the Social Service Unit of the Catholic Diocese of Gorakhpur encompassing Gorakhpur-Basti divisions.

PGSS had its origin after long birth pangs due to charity and welfare approaches of development. Down through the years, our area in and around Gorakhpur witnessed this 'band-aid' development which could not heal the wounds of exploitation, lopsided development and various discriminations. As a panacea to this age old problems faced by the poorest people, our pioneers developed a vision for a new Society based on justice, equality and fullness of life for all. Thus the Purvanchal Gramin Seva Samiti (PGSS) came into existence and got registered as a Social Service Society in August 1986.

Under the leadership of Most. Rev. Bp. Dominic Kokkat CST and Rev. Fr. Joseph Melettukochiyil CST - the then President and Secretary of the organization, the Society initiated Adult Education on the lines of Paulo Friere and community health education in selected 20 villages of Desai Deoria Block in Deoria District. Soon a band of SRA Sisters (Sisters of the Queen of the Apostles) of Varanasi Province joined the Organization. Based in Deoria, the Society made inroads into the lives of broken people who have experienced the bitterness of exploitation and discrimination at various levels.

The dalits and women got attracted to the vision and mission of PGSS and in course of time the seeds of social transformation began to yield results of 30 fold and 60 fold. Slowly the organization took roots in the rich soil of Purvanchal (Eastern Uttar Pradesh). "Harvest is plenty, but labourers are few" was our experience. Attached to the community centers, we adopted villages for integrated development. Since 1995, people's organisation becan1e the major thrust of the organisation where we focused on building 'social capital' and thereby the participation of people in development actions. All the principles of animation were followed in the formation of groups. With the help of many capacity building exercises, we could elicit the collaboration of many more in the activities. Federation of groups became another thrust of the Organization whereby the village level organizations got linkedĀ· up with block level and district level and then at the divisional level at the centre. Office Bearers were elected and they undertook more responsibilities.

The role of PGSS now is that of a co-worker and companion - a "Sahchar". In all the development actions, right from planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation, the policy of 'people first' has been followed. Now we participate in their programmes whereby we make ourselves available according to the convenience of the people - day or night, winter or summer, rain or drought.

It is in mutual collaboration and true partnership that we grow and flourish. We have proved it -Empowerment is possible: it is not a dream.


Purvanchal Gramin Seva Samiti,
Fatima Nagar, Padribazar, Gorakhpur,
Uttar Pradesh - 273154, India.

+91 8840720543


© - 2023, Purvanchal Gramin Seva Samiti, a Unit of Social Service Society, a non-profit organization registered under Uttar Pradesh Societies Registration Act 27 of 1975 S. No. 329/1999. You can avail the income tax exemption under sec.80 (G) of Income Tax Act for every Contribution.
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