PGSS participates in all social Development programmes right from planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation, and follow the policy of ‘people first’ in all stages. We strongly believe, Empowerment of the excluded is a reality not a dream.
An inclusive business is a self-sustainable business entity that productively integrates low-income populations into its value chain.By prioritizing value creation over value capture and adopting principles of non-discrimination, inclusive businesses create new economic opportunities for low-income populations but do not necessarily pursue profit maximization objectives. By means of an inclusive business model, inclusive businesses engage, support and create demonstrable value for low income producers, suppliers, retailers and/or service providers and actively avoid destroying value 'along the path to value creation'
PGSS achievement in Inclusive Group Enterprize so far...Purvanchal Gramin Seva Samiti,
Fatima Nagar, Padribazar, Gorakhpur,
Uttar Pradesh - 273154, India.
+91 8840720543
© - 2023, Purvanchal Gramin Seva Samiti,
a Unit of Social Service Society, a non-profit organization registered under Uttar Pradesh Societies Registration Act 27 of 1975 S. No. 329/1999.
You can avail the income tax exemption under sec.80 (G) of Income Tax Act for every Contribution.
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