PGSS participates in all social Development programmes right from planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation, and follow the policy of ‘people first’ in all stages. We strongly believe, Empowerment of the excluded is a reality not a dream.
Our livelihood programmes aim to remove the barriers that limit persons with disabilities from participating in society and help them meet their full potential. We support income improvements for persons with disabilities and other vulnerable groups. We help them enhance their respect and standing in the community on an equal basis in all areas of life. We develop and execute locally relevant on-farm, off-farm, and non-farm livelihood systems. These programmes are unique in their approach; not just through value addition, positive environmental impacts, and sustainable livelihood system, but persons with disabilities enter into leadership and decision-making roles; they become entrepreneurs in their communities. It brings together persons with and without disabilities working as one inclusive team. Local solutions are developed to help farmers and entrepreneurs replicate the idea further. Persons with disabilities become change-makers, contributing to the community in a genuinely empowering model. We build sustainable, inclusive community organisations (such as Organisations of Persons with Disabilities (OPDs), Inclusive Self-help Groups (ISHGs), Inclusive Farmer Producer Organisations (IFPOs), and Inclusive cooperatives.
PGSS achievement in Inclusive Livelihood so far...Purvanchal Gramin Seva Samiti,
Fatima Nagar, Padribazar, Gorakhpur,
Uttar Pradesh - 273154, India.
+91 8840720543
© - 2023, Purvanchal Gramin Seva Samiti,
a Unit of Social Service Society, a non-profit organization registered under Uttar Pradesh Societies Registration Act 27 of 1975 S. No. 329/1999.
You can avail the income tax exemption under sec.80 (G) of Income Tax Act for every Contribution.
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